Flat White

Flat White
  • 2 ristretto espresso shots
  • 3 ounces whole milk, steamed into a micro foam (~145°)
  • Heated mug, for serving

The key to a flat white is the micro foam—if the foam is too thick it can result in a cappuccino.

Pour two shots of ristretto espresso into a pre-heated mug.

Pour milk quickly and confidently over the ristretto and serve immediately.

Flat White

  • 2 ristretto espresso shots
  • 3 ounces whole milk, steamed into a micro foam (~145°)
  • Heated mug, for serving

The key to a flat white is the micro foam—if the foam is too thick it can result in a cappuccino.

Pour two shots of ristretto espresso into a pre-heated mug.

Pour milk quickly and confidently over the ristretto and serve immediately.