Pizza Cutters & Tools

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Forget about cardboard-like frozen pizzas or the expense and long wait times with delivery. With these pizza cutters and tools, you can enjoy delicious pizzas fresh out of the oven at home. Our collection of specialty kitchen tools at Sur La Table includes a wide variety of options, from pizza stones and steels to pizza slicers, peels, wheels and more.

Reasons to Use a Pizza Stone

Although you can cook homemade pizza on a metal pan, you’ll find that using a pizza stone or steel makes a huge difference in the results you get. If you’ve struggled with soggy or floppy pizza, this handy piece of kitchen equipment can solve the problem. The stone both conducts and holds in heat, which helps the pizza cook evenly and develop a beautifully crisp crust on the bottom. As an added bonus, pizza stones can be used for more than just pizza. They’re also great for baking bread, roasting veggies and getting crispy results with frozen foods.

Helpful Tools for Homemade Pizza

Besides a stone or pan, you’ll also want a few handy tools when making pizza at home. A pizza cutter is obviously essential if you want to create perfectly portioned slices without dragging the cheese around. Pizza scissors are another helpful cutting option. If you’re using a standalone pizza oven, you’ll need a pizza peel to get it in and out in one piece. Whether you pile your pie with sausage and pepperoni or use pizza as an easy vegetarian recipe for Meatless Monday, make cooking and serving your favorite meal a breeze with these tools and accessories.