Ladles & Spoons
There are certain kitchen tools that you reach for daily in your food serving and food preparation. Spoons and ladles are some of these kitchen gadgets that often get daily use. Whether you’re doling out a good portion of your famous chili or mixing ingredients for a special occasion cake, a good spoon or soup ladle is a must-have addition. For this reason, it’s important to find the right spoon or ladle that’s comfortable, functional and designed for your specific needs.
What’s a Ladle?
A ladle is a multi-purpose large spoon that is characterized by its generous depth. The heart of a ladle is deep enough to essentially “scoop” up liquids from pots, pans and other bowls. Ladles feature handles that are long enough to dip into deep pots and pans, such as crock pots and stock pots. These long handles will help protect your hands from any hot steam that might be released. Today’s handles are not only protective, but they’re ergonomically designed to be comfortable for repetitive motions.
High-Quality Soup Ladles, Spoons and More
When you’re choosing a spoon or a ladle to add to your kitchen tool collection, you want to look for substantial pieces that will stand up to everyday use. Sur La Table has a fine selection of soup ladles and spoons that will do just that and will look great doing so! Ladles and spoons should not only be functional, but they should be beautiful as well, especially if you’re a cook who likes to display your kitchen tools on your counter in a crock or hang them on hooks. At Sur La Table, you’ll find some great products that are made from durable materials that are gorgeous to look at, such as olive wood, teak, stainless steel and bamboo. Of course, if you want nonstick or silicone, these are fantastic ladle and spoon materials as well.
What’s a Ladle?
A ladle is a multi-purpose large spoon that is characterized by its generous depth. The heart of a ladle is deep enough to essentially “scoop” up liquids from pots, pans and other bowls. Ladles feature handles that are long enough to dip into deep pots and pans, such as crock pots and stock pots. These long handles will help protect your hands from any hot steam that might be released. Today’s handles are not only protective, but they’re ergonomically designed to be comfortable for repetitive motions.
High-Quality Soup Ladles, Spoons and More
When you’re choosing a spoon or a ladle to add to your kitchen tool collection, you want to look for substantial pieces that will stand up to everyday use. Sur La Table has a fine selection of soup ladles and spoons that will do just that and will look great doing so! Ladles and spoons should not only be functional, but they should be beautiful as well, especially if you’re a cook who likes to display your kitchen tools on your counter in a crock or hang them on hooks. At Sur La Table, you’ll find some great products that are made from durable materials that are gorgeous to look at, such as olive wood, teak, stainless steel and bamboo. Of course, if you want nonstick or silicone, these are fantastic ladle and spoon materials as well.